Q & A: Elizabeth Responds to Your Questions
In this space Elizabeth responds to readers' letters. (Your letters are read in strictest confidence, your name will not be used on the Web site and only your relevant comment or question will be quoted.)
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Recurring Depression
Dear Mrs. Sherrill,
I almost wrote "Dear Elizabeth" because reading your articles over the years I feel like I know you... I have a question and you don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'm sorry if this is too personal. But after you wrote about your depression in Guideposts and how you got over it, you didn't say if it ever came back. My question is, did you ever have depression again or did it just disappear?
Sincerely, Peggy W.
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A Daughter's Prayer
Dear Elizabeth,
I'd like you to pray for me for God to do a miracle. My mother is dying of cancer...[but] that isn't the healing I mean. I'm praying that before she dies Mother will agree to meet my husband... Because Mal was divorced she refused to come to our wedding and in 23 years she has never been to our house. She says the Bible forbids divorce and Mal is an adulterer...
I kept going to see her -- she lives only six miles away! I used to bring the children when they were younger but now they refuse to go... She's terribly lonely and I don't want to hurt her more than she's hurting herself.
...Our son Greg says reading the Bible makes people crazy like his grandmother. I read the Bible and to me it's all about loving. I just want Mother to be happy before she dies. Mal is a great guy and a wonderful father and I just know she would like him! I've prayed and I've pleaded but she doesn't change. Jesus said that with God all things are possible, so I keep hoping. I know you wrote in your book that God changed your heart, so please pray that He will change Mother's.
Thank you for reading this,
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