They Speak with Other Tongues
Filled with both Biblical and historical accounts of speaking in tongues, John and Elizabeth's book is a deeply personal and moving story, revealing that you, too, can walk in the power of the Spirit every day. (Read the Epilogue to the new edition to learn why John's name alone is on the title page.)
What Others Have to Say:
For all those who would like to know what the discussion of 'tongues' is about, here is the book to read.
Catherine Marshall, author of A Man Called Peter and Christy.
Wherever we find the Holy Spirit being outpoured, we will find John and Elizabeth's book as the initial spark. They Speak with Other Tongues is one of the most life-changing books ever written.
David Wilkerson, Senior Pastor, Times Square Church, New York. Author,The Cross and the Switchblade
This is the book which literally changed millions of lives. Read this book, for the first time, or for a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit.
Loren Cunningham, Founder, Youth With a Mission.
If you haven't read it (it's hard to imagine someone who hasn't)... then read it! The message is as timely as at its initial publishing 40 years ago.
Ben Kinchlow, Longtime co-host, The 700 Club
They Speak with Other Tongues must be seen as one of the most important Christian books of the Twentieth Century.
Dr. Vinson Synan, Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
Bringing a new dimension into any needful situation is what "speaking in tongues" is all about. Here is the language of Love that surpasses understanding - God's own vocabulary, the perfect idiom for bringing to any problem the healing power of the Holy Spirit.
From the Foreword by Brother Andrew, Author, God's Smuggler.
Two things are unquestionable: the timeliness of the impact They Speak With Other Tongues made in the 1960's in the awakening to spiritual renewal that took place in the Body of Christ. And the timelessness of its message which will speak to you today as it spoke to me then and now.
Dr. Jack Hayford, Chancellor, The King's College & Seminary, Van Nuys, California
They Speak With Other Tongues is an excellent tool for introducing the body of Christ to God's provision - provision which enables the believer to live a dynamic Christian life.
Chuck Smith Pastor, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, California
Many of us cut our eye teeth on John and Elizabeth Sherrill's classic They Speak With Other Tongues. As the Holy Spirit fell on the old line churches in the late 1960s there were no books, and very few teachers, who could inform and guide us as we tried out our fledgling wings. It's a joy to see that you are republishing the book so that this and future generations may not lose the impact it had upon us all. God bless the 40th Anniversary Edition and may it prosper today's generation as it did ours.
John and Paula Sandford, Authors, Co-founders, Elijah House marriage counseling ministry
By helping me understand the spiritual gift of tongues, John and Elizabeth Sherrill changed me from a scoffer to a believer.
Richard Schneider, Senior Writer, Guideposts
They Speak With Other Tongues is all about the Joy of the Holy Spirit - a classic written for such a time as this.
Graham and Treena Kerr, Former "Galloping Gourmet" team.
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What Others Have to Say:
For all those who would like to know what the discussion of 'tongues' is about, here is the book to read.
Catherine Marshall, author of A Man Called Peter and Christy.
Wherever we find the Holy Spirit being outpoured, we will find John and Elizabeth's book as the initial spark. They Speak with Other Tongues is one of the most life-changing books ever written.
David Wilkerson, Senior Pastor, Times Square Church, New York. Author,The Cross and the Switchblade
This is the book which literally changed millions of lives. Read this book, for the first time, or for a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit.
Loren Cunningham, Founder, Youth With a Mission.
If you haven't read it (it's hard to imagine someone who hasn't)... then read it! The message is as timely as at its initial publishing 40 years ago.
Ben Kinchlow, Longtime co-host, The 700 Club
They Speak with Other Tongues must be seen as one of the most important Christian books of the Twentieth Century.
Dr. Vinson Synan, Dean, School of Divinity, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
Bringing a new dimension into any needful situation is what "speaking in tongues" is all about. Here is the language of Love that surpasses understanding - God's own vocabulary, the perfect idiom for bringing to any problem the healing power of the Holy Spirit.
From the Foreword by Brother Andrew, Author, God's Smuggler.
Two things are unquestionable: the timeliness of the impact They Speak With Other Tongues made in the 1960's in the awakening to spiritual renewal that took place in the Body of Christ. And the timelessness of its message which will speak to you today as it spoke to me then and now.
Dr. Jack Hayford, Chancellor, The King's College & Seminary, Van Nuys, California
They Speak With Other Tongues is an excellent tool for introducing the body of Christ to God's provision - provision which enables the believer to live a dynamic Christian life.
Chuck Smith Pastor, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, California
Many of us cut our eye teeth on John and Elizabeth Sherrill's classic They Speak With Other Tongues. As the Holy Spirit fell on the old line churches in the late 1960s there were no books, and very few teachers, who could inform and guide us as we tried out our fledgling wings. It's a joy to see that you are republishing the book so that this and future generations may not lose the impact it had upon us all. God bless the 40th Anniversary Edition and may it prosper today's generation as it did ours.
John and Paula Sandford, Authors, Co-founders, Elijah House marriage counseling ministry
By helping me understand the spiritual gift of tongues, John and Elizabeth Sherrill changed me from a scoffer to a believer.
Richard Schneider, Senior Writer, Guideposts
They Speak With Other Tongues is all about the Joy of the Holy Spirit - a classic written for such a time as this.
Graham and Treena Kerr, Former "Galloping Gourmet" team.
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